Saturday 10 August 2013

Cry me an alternate ending...

Brian Jones - still progressing

Having spent the last few days reading The Hobbit painting has been somewhat on hold. But there has been a bit of progress with Brian which I thought I'd post. He is now waist deep in water for one thing. Incidentally I shall probably be drowning in my own tears if Mr Jackson hasn't concocted an alternative ending for his Hobbit trilogy. I read The Hobbit, which I was actually completely unfamiliar with - oh, pipe down Tolkien fans! - because I really liked Mr Jackson's Hobbit film and I was eager to know what was going to happen to the majestic Thorin and his kick-ass dwarfs... Spoiler alert... HE DIES! So NOT cool. I was distraught... and not just him, Fili and Kili too! What rot. So, please, Mr Jackson, on my hands and knees I beg you... don't do us like that! Artistic license was invented for this very situation. Keep the Majesty alive and brooding! Thank you!

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